Part 1: Newsletter – Issue #705
Perception Vs Reality
We live in a world of perceptions, but our perceptions are not always reality.
As a business owner or manager, you are bombarded with conjecture about who consumes what mediums and why one is better than the others. People overuse the words everybody, nobody, always, and never. “Nobody shops at local retail stores anymore, everyone buys online”. “Everyone has Facebook nowadays”, “We never watch TV, “Nobody gets the newspaper anymore, do they?”, or “We never listen to radio anymore, doesn’t everyone have satellite or streaming services?” Are any of these statements true? The answer is no, not even close. Yes, newspaper has seen its number of subscribers slide by over 50% in the last 20 years, but still, 14% of adults consume or read a newspaper daily. Ask someone that pays for a SiriusXM satellite radio subscription, and they will tell you nearly everyone consumes it. The truth is, less than 11% of the total US population even has SiriusXM, and a good percentage of those use it sparingly. While perception may be reality in our minds, the truth is often far different. If you would like to see what percentage of the US population consumes what mediums, like Facebook, Instagram, other social media platforms, T.V. Radio, etc., click here to receive a Media Knowledge Quiz. It will take 1 minute to complete. You can access the answers by simply googling, What percentage of the US population has Facebook, Twitter, Radio, etc., or your media rep can provide the correct answers for you. Good Luck with the quiz. |