Keep It Simple ST _ _ID!

In a world that continues to get more complicated and over-communicated, the acronym KISS (Keep it Simple Stupid) can be some very wise words to live by.
In the world of advertising (both complicated and over-communicated) trying to be “too fancy” and trying to reach “too many people” can be a very expensive mistake.
Creative advertising can be very, very powerful. However, it’s like dynamite! In the hands of the right person, it can be very effective. In the wrong hands, it can be very destructive. The problem is that creativity alone isn’t a key to success. If you do not answer the four questions effectively, being too creative can be a waste of words… and money!
Your potential customers want to know “who” you are (your business name), “what” you do (what product or service you provide), “how” to find you (your email or physical address), and “why” they should consider doing business with you.
Sometimes, it’s best to KISS – Keep it simple S _ _ _ id!